There are 8 rule changes to the 2022 NCAA rulebook. The Rulebook includes an in-depth description of each of the rule changes listed below. 1. Injury Timeout (Rule 3-3-5-b): Feigning injury findings sent to the conference office for further action. 2. Ball Declared Dead (Rule 4-1-3-r): Any time a ball carrier simulates or fakes a feet-first slide, the ball should be declared dead by the on-field officials at that point. 3. Illegal Block or Contact (Rule 6-5-4): A player of Team B who has made a valid or invalid signal for a fair catch and does not touch the ball shall not block or foul an opponent during that downIllegal block or contact by a player after a fair catch signal is now a 10-yard penalty - (PENALTY—Free kick: Receiving team’s ball 10 yards from the spot of the foul [S40]. Scrimmage kick: 10 yards, postscrimmage kick enforcement [S40]. If a Personal Foul is committed in conjunction with this action, the penalty is 15 yards and flagrant offenders shall be ejected or disqualified.) 4. Illegal Touching (Rule 7-3-11): No originally ineligible player while inbounds may intentionally touch a legal forward pass until it has touched an opponent or an official - (PENALTY—Five yards from the previous spot, loss of down) 5. Targeting (Rule 9-1-3/9-1-4): Appeal option added for a confirmed second-half targeting foul in games involving instant replay. 6. Blocking Below the Waist (Rule 9-1-6): Blocking below the waist is now restricted to inside the tackle box. 7. Unsportsmanlike Acts (Rule 9-2-1-a-1): Enhanced penalty options for Team B unsportsmanlike conduct fouls during pass plays added. 8. Holding and Use of Hands or Arms: Defense: Defensive holding penalties include a first down when accepted (this change eliminates the previous 9-3-5 and 10-2-2-e-2).
CLICK HEREfor a link to the UIL exceptions for 11-man football games.
CLICK HEREfor a link to the UIL exceptions for 6-man football games.
ArbiterSports - Formerly owned by the NCAA and comprised of ArbiterOne (Scheduling) and ArbiterPay (getting paid). TASO- The Texas Association of Sports Officials, 1221 West Campbell Road, Richardson, TX, 75080, 866-283-TASO (8276). Mike Fitch is the Executive Director; Bill Theodore is the Assistant Executive Director. UIL- The University Interscholastic League. This is the governing body of all Texas public high school competition...from football to one-act plays. The Athletic Director is Dr. Susan Elza. MAXPREPS - Information about high school football in Texas as well as around the USA. NCAA - The National Collegiate Athletic Association. Although this organization regulates college athletics, Texas high schools play by NCAA football rules. FOOTBALL OFFICIATING - This site is free to any official at any level and, although its primary focus in NCAA rules and mechanics, it can be useful for all officials to help them continue our goal of improving performance and consistency. The site contains bulletins, tests, videos and notices about clinics and camps. Check it out! SMOAKHOUSE FORUM- Discussion board based in East Texas. REFSTRIPES- A website for officials of all sports with various discussion boards. Ask real officials real questions.